I don't if anyone will read this post, but here goes nothing. I know many people who like to take photographs and I know of many bloggers who like picture-takin' too. Well I also enjoy photography and, with the prompting of a friend, entered a local photography contest. The above photos were supposed to be in the contest, but one of them didn't make it. The other two, however, fared well receiving an award of merit (the highest possible) and an honorable mention.
Now to my audience, which photo do you think should of earned the award of merit and honorable mention? Leave your comment here and in a week we will see how your opinions line up with the ones from the official judge.
By the way, these photos are for sale if you would like to have one for your wall. Just drop me an email at wholesomeworks[at]cableone[dot]net if your interested.
Edit: Thanks to all of the commenters, the comments have been great! After privately receiving a remark about how my photos would look better without the large copyright, I decided to shrink the copyright using a slightly more complex Photoshop trick. I switched out Black Pearls (pic #3) with the new copyright so let me know what you think.